The Forbidden Chamber


With less time available than in my other portfolio project, I had to make a smaller level. Inspired by Zelda dungeons, I wanted to create a level that was small in space but where different areas could be used for multiple purposes.

I also wanted the player to experience a ”aha” moment when they figured out the solution to completing the level.

You are a warrior exploring a dungeon in a norse mythology fantasy world.

Project Breakdown

  • Solo project spanning 4 weeks 4 hours/day
  • Unreal Engine 5
  • Blockout Tools Plugin
  • A mix of my own blender meshes and marketplace meshes
  • Paragon: Aurora Unreal marketplace character (Modified by me)
  • All other scripts made by me

Level Overview

Walkthrough with commentary

Level mechanics

Manipulating the cube

The player can shoot at Cube Ascenders and Cube Rotators to move the cube to different locations.

Destructible pillars

The player can destroy pillars to access new areas and open up sightlines.



Activate the Cube Ascender and enter The Left Ward


Activate the Cube Rotator to create a path at the Broken staircase to access The Right Ward


Destroy the Pillar to open sightline for the Cube Ascender. You can now access the second floor


Reset the Cube to it´s original position with the Cube Rotator


Activate the Cube Ascender on the ground floor and jump from the Cube to reach the other side. Destroy the pillar to access The Cube Rotator


Rotate the Cube to the Broken staircase. Activate the Cube Ascender to get a sightline to the Cube Rotator.


When starting out on this project, I felt that the level would depend almost completely on the quality of the puzzle mechanic. Creating a compelling puzzle can be quite hard, and I wanted to make sure I had ”it” before beginning work on the actual blockout. The rest of the level would have to adjust to the puzzle.

Before opening the editor, I did a lot of research (i.e watching youtube videos) about Zelda dungeons and puzzles in video games. I wrote down all the different concepts I came across in a document, and also wrote down any other goals I had for the level.

I started by making a circular room and the cube. I then made all the scripts for the cube and started to experiment. I settled on 3 different states horizontally and 2 states vertically for the cube. Having more then this would exponentially make the level bigger and more complex. Pretty quickly I stumbled upon a potentially fun solution to the level, and made a bare bones blockout with all the steps of the puzzle in it. I then playtested this with people at school, just to find out if the final puzzle solution was fun, and not too complex. After making some changes from the feedback I received, I committed to the idea and started refining the blockout.

Design Techniques

Starting point

Entering a Zelda dungeon can be overwhelming, with new mechanics and information.

But it´s also part of the fun, peeling away layer after layer until you achieve mastery of the level.

When the player enters the chamber I wanted them to clearly see the goal, but also hide unnecessary information to not overwhelm them. I hid the cube and the first Cube Ascender behind a broken pillar, and opened up the ceiling to let a strong directional light shine on the exit.

Puzzlebox design

By manipulating the cube it can serve a multitude of purposes. As a door, bridge or lift. The player has to figure out how to change the layout, so they can progress.

Teaching the player

By introducing the mechanics one by one, and forcing the player to repeat them in increasing difficulty, the whole level becomes a tutorial for the final puzzle.

Design Techniques

Starting point

Entering a Zelda dungeon can be overwhelming, with new mechanics and information.

But it´s also part of the fun, peeling away layer after layer until you achieve mastery of the level.

When the player enters the chamber I wanted them to clearly see the goal, but also hide unnecessary information to not overwhelm them. I hid the cube and the first Cube Ascender behind a broken pillar, and opened up the ceiling to let a strong directional light shine on the exit.

Puzzlebox design

By manipulating the cube it can serve a multitude of purposes. As a door, bridge or lift. The player has to figure out how to change the layout, so they can progress.

Teaching the player

By introducing the mechanics one by one, and forcing the player to repeat them in increasing difficulty, the whole level becomes a tutorial for the final puzzle.


Creating this level has been one of the most fun experiences I have had since I started learning game development.

Combining level design, scripting and tutorializing. I am overall very happy with how the level turned out.

However, there are some things I would like to change/work on, if I had more time.

  • The outdoor section on the second floor lacks backdrop/setdressing
  • The Cube Ascender and Rotator needs better readability. Even though I redesigned them several times, some players did not understand the difference between them or forgot what they were used for
  • Make the chamber visually more interesting and have more depth, but without adding too much noise/information

Thanks for reading and thanks to everyone who playtested and gave feedback!